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Monday, March 31, 2008

A Mother's Worse Nightmare

Any mother, or parent, will probably agree on their single most worst nightmare--that something horrid will befall their children. And of all the horrid things that can happen, we will probably agree that the worst of those would involve a stranger with malevolent intentions.

Well, I thought I had clearly and firmly covered the topic of strangers with my children, and as they are now older, 10, 12 and 14, I thought this subject was pretty well ingrained in them. Imagine my great surprise to find my son had jumped into a car with a stranger, and all the horrible emotions that come along with the discovery, and the incredible relief to know that nothing misfortunate had befallen him.

My children were staying at their Papa's, and in general, Japan is a safe place for children, women animals and the elderly. Crime is low, guns are against the law, and poverty is not prevalent. I often allow the kids out to the local grocery store and farther on their own, I've sent them on trains into downtown Osaka to meet someone there for some purpose, and I would probably allow my 14-year old to spend the day downtown with friends. And so, my son went on an errand for his Papa to the local convenience store, about a 2-minute walk from my dad's place. They had gone previously, it was a simple turn around the block. Before going, my father went over the directions with him to make sure he had it right.

But, Jay didn't have it right, and he made a wrong turn. Since he couldn't find the shop, he stopped someone on the side of the street and asked for directions, to which the man replied "Hop in my car and I'll take you!" OMG!! This is the beginning of a possible nightmare. Japan is not without malicious people intent on harm. Just this past week on 2 separate occasions 2 men have attacked other people and killed them just for the 'fun of it!'

I count myself lucky because this unknown person didn't seem to have any designs on my innocent, and to be honest, very 'pretty' son, and my son was safely delivered to a convenience store, from which the man took off, and my son made it safely back to his Papa's, though considerably later than he should have been back.

This episode seriously worried me about the innocence of my babes, and prompted me to have a series of stranger talks again, and again, and again, at least 4 in the past 2 weeks, to emphasize to them the dangers that lurk, the need for them to be smart, and to never ever go with a stranger anywhere, or even someone they think they know. I also covered the fact that no 'adult' should ever invite a child into their car or house or anywhere without a parent, that the man was wrong for giving Jason a ride at all. We also discussed the privacy of their own body issues and that no one, including teachers or parents, have a right to touch their body in a way that makes them uncomfortable or feel strange.

It is my hope that my son has learned this lesson, that he is wiser in the future, and I am just so relieved that he made it through the situation intact and without any damage to himself.

And so, any parents reading this, please don't forget that children need to be reminded and told again and again through their young years, that danger is out there and how they should handle potentially dangerous situations.


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Kylie said...

Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure Jason's instincts would have let him know if he needed to run. I feel confident that your teaching him about privacy, etc is still ingrained in him. He also needs to feel part of the community around him. I read this yesterday, and really liked and agreed with it: http://www.nysun.com/editorials/why-i-let-my-9-year-old-ride-subway-alone
Hey, I'm starting a blog too!